Does not apply: 0 points
Applies somewhat: 1 point
Fully applies: 2 points
1) You have glibness and superficial charm:........ If I had any charm it would be superficial......I guess that makes me glib. +1
2) Grandiose sense of self-worth:.......Since I have low self worth, it couldn't be grandiose. What is the opposite of psycho? -1
4) Need for stimulation/proneness to wanting alot of fun is psychotic? count me in! +2........this aint looking well....good...
5) Pathological lying:...I am still working on NOT telling people what I REALLY think of them, so I am giving myself -3 points
6: Cunning/manipulative:...........did you see how I put in a colon instead of a paranthetical punctuation after the 6?...yes...yes.... cunning AND manipulative! PLUS 2
7) Lack of remorse or guilt:...... Remorse? no ...Guilt: Yes! +-1 OR 0... OH DARN NOW I FEEL GUILTY FOR MANIPULATING THE SCORE...sigh..I cant win
8) Shallow affect/emotional many of you pronounced that afFECT instead of AF fect..hahahahaha....I know...shallow emotional range here + 2
9) Callous/lack of empathy...I would like to have a lack of empathy so I will give myself one point ...oh that sounded callous ....2 points...
10) did anyone notice there wasnt a number 3? glib, proneness to boredom/manipulative and cunning all in one! +4! oh add lack of remorse and shallow AFfect for a total of + 6
11) Parasitic lifestyle: Being thrown out of the house at the tender age of 48....oh..+30 for the number of years staying past the normal deadline
12) Poor behavioral controls; what??? wheres that 3 week old can of chocolate frosting? +1
13) Promiscuous sexual behavior: ... how recent?
14) Early behavior problems: Mom said I was perfect until I was 5...I blame kindergarten +-0 to 1
15) Lack of realistic long-term goals: long term goals?? what are those?? +2
16) Impulsivity: is this beginning to sound like every politician every known to man? +2
17) Irresponsibility:
"But then they sent me away To teach me how to be sensible Logical, oh responsible ,practical And they showed me a world Where i could be so dependable Oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical Supertramp.....+2
18) Failure to accept responsibility for own actions: isnt that just irresonsibility? I am subtacting 5 for pointing out redundant points...ut oh +1 for glibness total -4
19) I am getting bored....+1
20) Many short-term marital relationships:....Nope just one that was farrrrrr too long -5....(yes I am taking extra minus points! ut oh...manipulation + 1 = total -4
21) Juvenile delinquency:.....I WANTED to be a drug addict...couldn't find a dealer...sigh
22) Revocation of conditional release:...does this mean the parole system is psychotic? What does this even mean?......-4 for obscureness
23) Criminal versatility: my criminality is only outmatched by my versatility in getting caught...which is why I am not a criminal....0
UM I see 23 signs minus the one that is skipped and the one I added which leads to 21 signs! I WIN!
total score: unable to the chart...SO? I'm potentially psychotic with a tendancy towards sociopithiness...damn test...muttering...