
Its all about Antiques & Vintage ...All the time! Ok so I will occasionally provide some witty satire, socio-political commentary and insider trading-of the vintage variety! Be sure and read the Rules & Assumptions post! I hope you enjoy! Shameless self promotional: My website www.thegirlnextdoorshop.com

Monday, June 8, 2009

JS Vs: WalM**t

My dad, the octogenarian super sleuth shopper, has a new weapon against his nemesis Sandusky Wal-M**t. Not satisfied with their roll back pricing, and after being banned for returning too many items (I am NOT making this up), PLUS being the only person the local K-m*rt PAID to go elsewhere to shop (more on this later) he has devised a new scheme to outwit outlast and out-shop Wal M**t. After some deft spying (cough cough.. eavesdropping), he has delightfully discovered that if you bring in an ad from Meijer Stores, Wal-M**t will match the special ad prices; side note: NOT buy-one get-one free. BOGO file for future reference….I digress….It doesn’t seem to matter that the closest Meijer Store is 50 miles away. So he got grapes for 97 cents a pound instead of $1.79. He still only bought 1 pound. In his defense he DOES go to 3 stores everyday to find the best prices.SO its DAD 15 Wal-M**t Love. My dad could wear down Bin Laden. GO DAD!

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